Monday, February 28, 2011

Ramayana and solution for agitated-mind!

When I was studying for my class tenth examination, Sanskrit was the language that I chose to study. We were lucky to have a text-book which has chosen many excellent pieces from the rich literary wealth of this ancient language. There was one poem from the great epic Ramayana. In that poem (of more than 15 couplets), Lord Rama was describing the beauty of a pond to his younger brother Laxmana.

For those who are not aware of the story, in it Rama, his wife Sita and his brother Laxmana had left their kingdom to roam in forest for 14 years. This was to fulfill a certain vow his father once made. In the forest a demon kidnaps Sita. After that they have sent animals of the forest to find where is she. And he was waiting for any news of his beloved Sita. During this waiting period came the rainy season...

Rain in India comes mostly because of monsoon. Monsoon rainfall is intensely romantic (you have to get drenched in a monsoon rain to feel the effect!). In such a condition, there was Rama not only alone, but also with no information of his beloved one. My dear friend, this condition of helplessness is utterly maddening. When you get a clue and can give your effort, its still OK (even if you are losing). But the moment of helplessness when you are just waiting for some information, when you cannot do anything... It just drives one mad!

During such a mental condition, Rama took a step which I recently found to be really effective. He went on looking at the mundane (or not) beauty around him displayed by mother nature. Believe me, how much the agitation may be, just try looking at a flower and the dew drop on it, you will feel immediate tranquility!

I feel this was a great remedy suggested in the epic by the godly poet Valmiki. Just try it my friend and you can see how effective it is...