Monday, March 31, 2008


Somedays back, while going through a book in the Discworld series, I came across this statement: "Getting an education was a bit like a communicable sexual disease. It made you unsuitable for a lot of jobs and then you had the urge to pass it on." Very true for the education prevalent in most parts of the country. To this there was this budding desire among some of the students, to do something for the society. This left me thinking of the following:

Many times we think that child labor should be banned. Children should get education as a right. Bit what shall we achieve out of that? Lets say rag pickers or mess boys or hotel boys; we can not give them formal education; evenif we give them a formal education, current educational degrees do not give you life-skills. So can we design a small but effective capsule of lifeskills? Then same course can be given in many platforms, starting from orphanages to our security guards. If it clicks, then it can be listed in a webpage and made into a mass-volunterism activity. Please help us in giving your idea of what should be included into such a course. Some things which i thnk can be included are:

1- spoken english (detailed strcutre needed; may be we can discuss with the eduction dept of any nearby university)

2- useful mathematics!! eg mensuration, interest on money, multiplication tables, time-date-years etc. (again detaield structure to be decided)

3- some moral issues (for this may be panchatantra/fables stories told in english will be fine)

4- life skills and motivation: for this I thnk if we can have a bundle of good movies it will be best; amreican movies mostly say ki u can do it; aau movie dekhu dekhu thy will see western life style and why thy r successful.

Please share your idea, and more importantly some formal and firm structre/idea!!