I have heard a quite often quoted line from Indian literature, "yathA dristih, tathA sristih!" (Creation as per vision.)
I was aware of its deeper meaning, which wants to put that world or creation is in your mind, strictly determined by your perception and sense-organs. I can never determine is the green I see and the green that you see, are exactly the same green! Nor could we ever tell how the world looks to an ape or to a fish or to a bee. We all have our preconditions, prejudices, prenotions, that we have gathered through our life. Hence I can never ideally see your world. We all carry our own views, visions and versions of the creation. But often we feel like what we feel are absolute. Anyway lets not go into that dilemma and make things more confusing.
Second, more obvious version of the line, I came to realise very recently. It might also mean that we tend to see people the way we ourselves are. If I am crooked, I will apprehend that everyone else would be crooked. If I have a tendency to flirt, I can never believe that anyone else can ever do serious love. If I am credulous, I would tend to think everyone else is credulous. One of my friends was one day complaining that he has no love in his life, no-one understands his feelings. His GF never cares to commit anything. Few days after that day, his GF proposed him and slipped a diamond ring in his finger. Now he denied that ring, and the reason he gives for it is, he thinks his GF is only after sex, and hence he is being alert.
Well, where can we put the line between alertness and paranoia! We see ourselves in others. A small line, but big comprehension. We, our own world and our own images in the world. Reminds me of the song, "mad world". Did I just tell anything about myself...;-)
Life is a mirror. As u will look into it, like that it will be reflected to u.
hey deepanjali; nice comments; BTW, is this your real name? Sorry for my poor memory, but I forgot if I know you. Thnks anyway for the comments; that make me write further :-)
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