Monday, July 10, 2006

nAdhame labdhakAmAh!

Ah! i getting bit obssessed with old sanskrit pieces. Sorry, but I thnk this is the season for it! I read this piece while in class-X. The context is like this (this is from the famous "meghadutam" epic by the great poet kALidAs).........There is this demi-god, who did some nonsense stuff and was put in prison in some land in far land in southern India. He was to be there for 1 or 2 years. He was separated form his beloved wife who was in the Himalayas. When monsoon of the year comes, he is so sad, as Mansoon supposed to be the most romantic season in India. So he composes poetry and requests the big clouds to carry his words to his wife. While requesting the clouds, he says "Oh great clouds, you are majestic in all respect. You are humble and benign, and you bring life to earth. Because you are magnanimous, I request thee. As, its better to request someone great and get rebuffed, than requesting some lowly person and even getting your desire!" This final line is the quote "yAnchA moghA-waramadhiguNe; nAdhame labdhakAmAh!" Better to beg from someone nobel and even get rejected, than requesting someone who is lower than you (even if he grants you your wish).

Is the above logic valid in today's world? Lets put aside the fundamental reasoning that no one is better no one is worse. Still we all have our own scales and we measure people as good better best! I have seen people who can change their whole attitude for a moment, just to gain a little favor. And there are those stubborn specis, who would never bow, unless the one they bow is better than themselves (by their standards).

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