Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Love me!

Beloved one saied to his lover, "Sweety, do you love me?".
Sweety: "Of course yes!"
Lover: "Then how come you were kissing that other friend of yours?"
I have gone a bit further, to kissing. People get this conversation even when one of the pair just goes to picnic with another guy/girl. What is pure love? What is true love? Can I love you and also another person? Better put, can I love you and your friend equally? Difficult questions...!

Many peices of philosophies could be found talking this way or that way on this topic of pure-love and definition there-of. But still we are human beings, we feel possessive. We feel insecure. We feel may be my beloved darling will leave me. May be he/she will settle for another person. Threre come two types of insecurity in this. One, is my love strong/secure enough? Second, is my life secure enough to be lived without my heart's love?

Hmmm. Human being is insecure. We all are scared. We all are surprisingly bad at accepting good things! Still....

Coming to the main topic, can a person love more than one at the same time? Un-adelterated love, or to say "sati" as from Indian culture. "Sati" is one with extreme devotion to her husband, loving only and only her husband. "Sati" might be the purest and highest form of love. However, if we go a bit deeper, and see the list of five great "satis" (pancha mahAsati), then we come across ladies whose purity could easily be questioned by common standards. Draupadi, who married 5 men at a time! Tara, who married her husband's brother, soon after her husband's death. And more such cases. (Surprisingly, Tara who married her husband's brother and led a happy life is considered great"sati". I dont know how now a days people think "sati" mean burning the wife of a dead husband!)

The way I understand this confusing stuff, is may be pure love is one which is pure at the moment. May be Draupadi had 5 husbands. But while with one of them, she had him only in her mind. At the moment , she breathed every breath only with him. A sort of standard, which have not yet been achievable by the so called open culture of west. May be we have to rediscover a lot more about "love" and "commitment"!!!


Deepanjali said...

i will just make one point clear.
Draupadi was never a sati.if what u mean by "sati"that a one woman loves only her husband. yes its quite true.
but same cant b told abt Draupadi. Actually she was more in favour of Arjun ..she loved him more than other 4. it was her only mistake which cost her greatly . and this fact was told to her by none other than "yudhisthira". when they all were climbing mountains to reach d abode of Indra.and she was hence to fall and die. hence she was not a sati

ProfPlays said...

too many topics hammered into one blog i would say....i dont know what a sati is supposed to mean and i dont know abt draupadi...they are all but myths which can be moulded at the hands of the 'historian' to their advantage or ignorance...doesnt matter...but the question raised is that of pure love being possible or not...and also of the jealousy in love...
ascribing jealousy to insecurity is not flawless to my mind...jealousy is inevitable since love is not complete without it. I feel even in absolute security jealousy is essential...

Mister Mangu said...

Yes I think as of now, jelosy is a part of love, and the experience there-of. I have never gone over that level. Still, human mind thinks of utopian stuffs. Motivated by people who claim to be fro higher domain! Yes, once a while I do get a glimse of jelosy-free love; it feels better, gives you strength! And there is no fear of any loss or any aspiration for gain in that.

Deepanjali, its not me who makes Draupadi sati. Its from the sloka which I have heard my grandfather chanting every morning. Something like "...tara, mandodari tatha;...pancha satih namsakuru" (taking the name of the five maha-satis!).Thats why I felt like thinking a bit more. May be I hve forgotten part of the sloka. Will confirm soon.

Unknown said...

Sir "love" cannot be defined. I mean there isn't a single definition of love that is universally accepted. I think if we love someone truly then the only thing we look for is that someone's happiness and care for that person. So jealousy is not supposed to be a part of love. Thats for sure !