Thursday, June 29, 2006


One of those nice words, that I like in English! "Empathy", word which says so much,.....well at least to me. Putting oneself into another's position. Putting your foot in another's shoe!

I was watching a French movie (name was something RED). European movies are quite nice, a different world from the American movies! Anyway, in it there is this psychopath retired judge, whose neighbours did not like him, and once a while one of the neighbours would throw a stone at his house. Peacefully he was collecting all the stones, ....there were six of them till that day. He was saying to his friend, "I think they must be hating me like anything. I am sure I would have done the same at their place". His friend gets surprised and asks, "you would have thrown stones??". He answered, "Its so natural; given those conditions, anyone would have behaved exactly the same!".

What we call as ourself, our morales, our principles, none of them actually belong to us. We have picked them up in our journey called life. We are bad or good, its as much natural. Philosphers sometime say, its natural to be happy. Its our nature to be "Anand". Then why are we not? Are "WE", different from nature?

If someone is bad its natural, if someone is good, its equally natural. Put yourself in his/her shoes, you can not become anything else! So where is the reason to be happy that I am good or to be sorry that I am bad (or have bad feelings)?

1 comment:

Mister Mangu said...

agar tum chaho bhi to leave them at their postion, can u really leave them? just as they r forced by their breeding to do "so called bad" things, we by our breeding are forced to do "so called good things". Agar mein kahun ki bhikari ko peise mat do; to kya sab mera maanenge? some might feel it logical, and some might think it bad. So what we do depends on us and our environment. Take for example, some one come and bit your neighbour. You might attack him, and another neighbour might be too timid to do anything. How do we decide what is right? You did as per your upbringing, and he as per his. In December I went to Bangalore. You came in noon from your office to see me. Many of my friends did not even come in evening! Even if you would have tried, you could not have NOT-come. Its natural for you. Kuchh aadat dal jaati hei.............;-)