Living in a stunningly beautiful place like Cape Town is a matter of luck. And the best part is that the weather never gets too harsh for my walk to university. And when you add regular meditation to that then one tends to get amazing thoughts during those walks!
Few days back, while walking, I felt an amazing insight. Yes I wanted to use the word "feel" because it was direct (and not the result of thought). Everything looked "perfect" and perfectly balanced. Every tree, every grass, every car, every person in those cars, all the thoughts in the heads of those persons...all beautifully orchestrated. Everything following sequences of cause and effect; everything in place.
"But, sir, the world is not at all perfect", you may say! Yes, there are nasty things in this world, nasty thoughts in the minds of some of those persons, nasty deeds done by some people, nasty natural disasters.....But if you can see that the tag "nasty" is something we give then things will look different. People are people; things are things; we add tags. Calling a person nasty for rape is equally ridiculous as calling lion nasty for killing deers. And don't get me wrong. I am not asking for forgiveness for the rapist. That is up to the law of the land and the people. I am just saying that its just cause and effect (and the cause that he raped will effect in him hanged or stoned to death!). Its like a giant machinery whose every part is working in perfect unison.
You may not like what you see; you may not enjoy what you see at times. But when you can view it all together, the whole giant machinery we call creation, you can just see perfect working of it all. Like a giant clock; you may not like the fact that its 8am and time to go to work....but you can not but amaze at the perfection of the clock....tick tick tick....

Few days back, while walking, I felt an amazing insight. Yes I wanted to use the word "feel" because it was direct (and not the result of thought). Everything looked "perfect" and perfectly balanced. Every tree, every grass, every car, every person in those cars, all the thoughts in the heads of those persons...all beautifully orchestrated. Everything following sequences of cause and effect; everything in place.
"But, sir, the world is not at all perfect", you may say! Yes, there are nasty things in this world, nasty thoughts in the minds of some of those persons, nasty deeds done by some people, nasty natural disasters.....But if you can see that the tag "nasty" is something we give then things will look different. People are people; things are things; we add tags. Calling a person nasty for rape is equally ridiculous as calling lion nasty for killing deers. And don't get me wrong. I am not asking for forgiveness for the rapist. That is up to the law of the land and the people. I am just saying that its just cause and effect (and the cause that he raped will effect in him hanged or stoned to death!). Its like a giant machinery whose every part is working in perfect unison.
You may not like what you see; you may not enjoy what you see at times. But when you can view it all together, the whole giant machinery we call creation, you can just see perfect working of it all. Like a giant clock; you may not like the fact that its 8am and time to go to work....but you can not but amaze at the perfection of the clock....tick tick tick....

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