Friday, November 20, 2009


Yesterday home secretary gave a statement that in government's eyes Naxalites and terrorists are one and the same. I am sure most Indians share his openion. Let me put my two pennies worth comment here.

** What is terrorism? Its the act of terrorizing common people. They kill or bomb common unarmed people to reign terror. If you try to remember all the naxal attacks in the last few years (as reported in newspapers) you will mark that almost all such attacks have been on police, paramillitary or millitary personnels. So if attack is against armed forces, my simple conviction is that it is not terrorism rather its civil war!

** I dont know much about other places. However, as far as tribal districts of Orissa is concerned, the first proper rail started running in those areas only a few years back. And till now there is only one express (Hirakhand Express) running through the tribal areas. Train is the heart throbe of modern world. One train for 1/3rd of the state: you can imagine to what extent government has neglected these areas.

** With no train, no communication and loads of minerals, these areas have been ranshacked by our power-bearers. And with this went expiation of the tribals.

** With all these ground work, there came arms and new philosophies from our neighbours. Hence, do you blame the naxals?

Those who still blame the Naxals, please try to imagine yourself in their place. With no land, no source of income, no health care, no schools, with your parents being treated as slaves by local businessman, your sister raped by the local police........ what would you do? Go and talk to government? Do you think we have such a system where a poor can talk and complain?

Lets stop fooling ourselves. Lets first accept that "our" (not of any government or anything else) negligence is the cause of this problem. Secondly lets stop fooling around and accept that this is NOT terrorism, this is a bloody civil-war! And lastly, lets make system so that they will feel that its risky to lift the gun, its risky in the sense I will lose a good life, its risky in the sense I may lose my family, its risky in the sense I may lose my food-or-hood! That will automatically stop it. Without this, there is no stopping the flow. And remember my frineds, with the flow none of us is safe and none our lives is worth living...!!


Dips said...

I agree with many points made by you about naxalism, that they have been neglected, not been given their share and society has been unjust to them. but at the same time it seemed one sided to me. and it was disturbing to see it coming from you, because you seem to admire gandhi, but still you are kind of justifying their violence, or atleast not condemning it.
but for the one-side view that you have presented, i agree that we should think about the issue and discuss it more and make a public opinion that is pro development in those areas.

Mister Mangu said...

I think I was not vivid enough. I dont praise their action. Violence will not take them anywhere nor can it achieve anything in long run. My sole point in the writeup was to say that we are to be blamed. Even now, there is no one to go there and teach them non-violence (may be there are no teachers existing). I just wanted to blame the govt. for its careless and insensitive approach. Much is left to be done :-( I think now we need direct-action... The common man can not afford to remain common, complacent and callous!

S.Ach said...

Agreed... everything happens for a reason. But are reasons enough to act shield for actions. Reasons are logical but that doesn't vouch for any sort of action.
The person in Khaki Uniform who gets killed is not the one who oppressed. Even if he is armed, but he cannot fire even for self-defense, he doesn't have guts.
I agree that the Naxalites are not educated enough to distinguish between social rights and wrongs. But, barbaric violence is no solution.
And I can't accept that there is no political intervention in the Naxalites action as well. So it is one politician against the another. People get killed in between - who are in Khaki Uniform or who are with bows and arrows.

Oil and Gas Analyst said...

It is difficult to get attention of govt in delhi without such means. They just dont listen to anything without violent means. One case is Kashmir, it has been lingering on since 1947 and finally it took a violent shape after 1990 on the same lines as punjab. The people at the center are highly incapable to handle such responsibilities. Everything keeps on going with the 'sab chalta hai' attitude and when a problem reaches its critical stage only then 'they' pay an attention to it. No planning, no foresight, only jugad is what with which this country works.

Unknown said...

Its a gud thing that govt is equally negligent when it comes to suppressing the naxals or terrorists. Its stupid to mistake govt complacency and lack of political will for their lack of ability or lack of expertise. It wont take paramilitary forces more than 4 months to round up the whole bunch if given a free hand. That is something every person thinking of taking up arms must realise. And frankly, you know personally of people who came from far worse situations than the naxals and built themselves a gud fullfilled life.

Mister Mangu said...

I fully agree with you that there are people who have come from a much worse life and achieved much greater things. But if we have been lucky to get fighters then should we make it a norm to make selected groups struggle? And who will show them the fact that there are better things in life to die for? Who will demonstrate that peaceful ways can in fact win them battles? My sole point was that the cause of the trouble is our negligence and the battle is justified. However the mode of battle is not. It is simply earning them bad name and destroying the resources of their own people!

Unknown said...

What exactly is a justified battle?
How can it be a battle - by definition violent - and still justified?
What exactly is negligence? Is it negligent that most large cities do not have a functional waste disposal system, have crappy roads and people living in there do not care?
If these people do not care for the place they are living in, why should they start off by caring for some far flung places?
Is it still negligence and exploitation if some one from the cadre of the exploited peoples starts doing it?
The point is, as long as they insist on violence, decline the existence of an Indian union, decline that India ever received freedom in 1947,continue with destruction of government and private property, they are equivalent to terrorists and should be treated as same. You think terrorists in Kashmir are freedom fighters? They can also claim similar negligence. So why call them terrorists and these people as Maoists? Heck, China has not been Maoist for last 25 years or so and these ididts think they can be Maoists?