The other day I was considering this interesting question. Can bad people have good future? Can bad people aspire to become spiritual? Can bad people fit into the quota for nirvana? Well, by bad people I mean really bad buggers doing terrible sin. I am not just talking of those committing some social taboo without harming anyone. I am not also just talking of gays or incests having sex secretly and silently without bothering anyone. I am also talking of those who are causing serious harm and trouble to others. Even those who hurt and harm even their near-n-dear ones. And even those who ditch their friends or lovers! Can these people have any share of the pie we call enlightenment? Are they doomed for ever? Sorry for taking so much of space-n-time to just explain the question. I felt it important to make the question and point as clear as possible. In answering the question, I will answer from a first person point of view (presuming myself to be that bad guy!).
** First of all, as we have already discussed, everything and every happening is predestined. Individual choice is but an illusion. Its like reading a book. We discover a page every day. But that page is written long back. So, did I have any choice but to be bad? Was it really under my control to be or not to be bad?
** Every novel has heroes and villains. But for villains heroes are worthless. But for bad things good things lose their charm. So, if I have been chosen to play villain is it my fault?
** Lets say I hurt (physically or mentally) my friend. I did something which hurt him. Or is it that he was destined to get hurt, and I just acted as an instrument! He was destined to get hurt because of his karma! And I was destined to be the instrument in hurting him because of my karma.
** Coming to scriptures, the Bhagwat Gita is one of the most authoritative scriptures of the orient. What I understand from there is that, the God is trying to explain Arjuna to do two things. First of all understand his swadharma. And second perform your swadharma with all detachment. Arjuna's case was simple. In his case his caste and his swadharma concided (he was a kshyatriya, the warrior class and his natural disposition was to fight). But dont make the mistake of taking your social responsibilities as your swadharma. I may be born in a good family with good parents and with good friends. But if my natural disposition is towards the so called bad things, what am I to do? I still choose my natural bearing and interest as my swadharma. And then I perform it with detachment. Detachment here means detachment from the views of others, detachment from the thought of merit-or-sin, detachment from thought of past-n-future. So if I feel my natural inclination is to hurt people, I should do the same with all detachment. Its easy to play hero and get all applause. But it takes real talent to play villain! So am I at fault?
heheh :) thats cool well narrated :)
pariticularly the karma thing :) im distined to do wrong things its not my fault it is my karma :) wowww gud thought... that's cool it means we shd not have any guilty of watsoever we did in the past :) juz do wat r heart says ..let it be gud or bad does nt matter it is predecided we r juz an instrument if we r not doing this somebody else will do it ...
no no; you are missing a small point here. "if we r not doing this somebody else will do it ...": the question of "if i dont do it" does not arise at all. Because if its my role to do it, I will do it for sure. Just remain guilt free and thats also an expaination of detachment: detachment from personal-guilt...
Well earlier I was also concerned about these things that why I'm living if what I've to do has already been determined by someone else and I just have to do what has been planned or written or in your words what my Karma says...... but after reading some where that along with KARMA there is something called PURUSHARTH...... its true that your life follows what your Karma is but only to a certain extent because what you do also depende on your Purusharth...... at every point you have two paths in life, one is d good and the other bad..... no doubt the good one is hard and full of thorns and the bad one is smooth, decorative, and lucrative for one to follow..... here comes the role of Purusharth...... if you are courageous enough to go through those hardships then you will select the good way otherwise you won't........ some where its said.... Man is the maker of his own fortune.......
** Purushartha and personal choice is there. But that again is predetermined. All the quantas of thoughts in the mind have their set route. Its been determined at big bang. Till we read the page for today, its unknown to us. Hence our hopes and aspirations and decisions all make sense. Its a future which is calculable (with infinite memory and computation) but not predictable. So Purusartha also has its place.
** Secondly, think again. We are taught that bad path is smooth. I doubt. If you have a conscience, then try taking a bad decision. The guilty feeling you will have is killing. COmpared to any physical discompfort, this guilty-feeling is much more painful. So for a man of conscience, a bad path is hell in his very own life!!
thr you go..... if one has a conscience it automatically means that he is not a bad person.... he may be currently doing something bad but then that certainly doesn't makes him a bad person.....sooner or later his guilt will bring him to the good way.....
now coming to pursharth its one's own effort...... consider a small example..... you have one litre of milk...... that milk has butter in it but to get it out of that milk you need to make some effort from your side....... just it is predestined that u can get butter from the milk and u r staring it for butter u won't get it..... but u need 2 mak ur effort from ur end 2 get it..... similar is d case with purusharth...... mot of the time we don't want to work hard and that's why we always chose the easy way out ........I'm not saying that Karma or destiny doesn't exists.. it certainly does has its place but at the same time your purusharth plays a major role in deciding your fate...... if u r stuck in an ocean and u don't know how 2 swim... but still if u are moving ur body some how thr is a chance u can get somewhere instead of being nowhere.......... by lying still and motionless......
You may be bad, but you may be just. You may be good but unjust. Doesn't it all boil down to nyaya and niti? That there is no set 'nyaya' for all circumstances is a well known fact. Yet, there are certain fundamental truths and justices, like, injustices that goes against right to life.
The good are innocent and hence they have justice, the bad being guilty, invent mercy.
And you have no idea of bad until you get to know about some of the famous psychopaths. As has been said, "The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness."
i feel there is no point something is predestined or not , because if you do not know it doesnt help if it is predetermined or not . So we all chug along and keep doing the mix of good and bad things which are again relative !
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