Sunday, February 22, 2009

idea of doing!

I was talking to one of my friends. We often end up discussing hypothetical and abstract things. Things went in the direction of love and Radha-Krishna. There he made a wonderful remark. "May be they did not actually like to be together; rather liked the idea of being together". Then I pondered over the stuff and realized that its true most of the times. Most of the times we like the idea of doing something rather than doing that thing actually. For example I like the idea of sitting in an evening and reading through some book. But I never could end up doing it! Similarly if we analyze our life, we will find that many times we like the idea of doing something than doing it actually. And in case of love also things are no different! Many times lovers like the idea of being together than actually being together!


We all know of the love between Radha and Krishna. The love hat was tainted, short-lived, blemished yet complete. The life of Radha-Krishna love was not more than a few months. However, length of love has nothing to do with the depth of the same. Few months' true-n-complete love was enough to create the inspiration and hope in Radha to live her whole life. How could anyone lead his/her whole life by the help of a few months' love?

Contemporary love has different priorities. We believe that longer the love more is the pain of separation and hence more is the suffering. By the fear of future suffering many never are able to start loving in the very first case. And things are worse in case of marriage! People keep on thinking that they have all the time of a life-time; they take each-other for granted. And again the result is that they can never start living and loving.

Well, the matter of discussion here is not the philosophy of love; rather the life of another Gopi named Lalita! Many of us might have heard of Gita-Govinda, the famous Vaishnav epic describing the "Mana-bhanjana" of Radha by Krishna. The stage for the epic is like this. Krishna has spent a night with Lalita and came to Radha in the early morning. Radha has waited all night long and looking at the condition of Krishna, she could guess a lot. Then stats the epic. But no-one ever has mentioned anything about Lalita. Lalita, who could get Krishna's embrace only for a single night. A single night's love: was that enough memory for a life? After Krishna leaves, Lalita's mind asks few things to her heart. That will be mentioned in a poem in my next blog! In the poem, each stanza ends with two questions. The second question is actually the answer to the first one!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


जीवन की सारी स्मृतियाँ, जन्म जन्म की अनुभूतियाँ

क्या इस जन्म के आगे है कोई और जन्म ?

शायद नहीं,

या शायद है अनंत जन्म,

क्या ये सब जी सकते हो, बस इक दो पल के सहारे?

क्या सागर पार कर सकते हो, इक छोटी सी नाव के सहारे? ?

कुछ पल में बने अपने, लम्हे थे या कोई सपने

क्या इससे पहले किया था कभी प्यार ?

शायद नही,

या शायद आज ही किया प्यार का प्रथम आविष्कार

क्या ये सब लम्हे समेट सकोगे, इस नन्हे से ह्रदय में ?

क्या इतनी सारी खुशबू समा सकेगी इक छोटे से गुलाब में??

बीता हुआ कल और आने वाले पल, कुछ भी तो नही था उस पल में,

क्या इसी को बोलते है पूर्ण प्रेम की अनुभूति?

शायद हाँ,

या शायद प्रेम है कुछ और कठिन शास्त्र

क्या इतने कठिन पाठ को जान पाओगे, बस दो पल की अनुभूति से ?

क्या इतनी बड़ी किताब पढ़ पाओगे इक छोटे सी दिए की रोशनी से ??

तुम न मेरे हो, न मैं तुम्हारा,

हमेशा हमेशा का साथ न हो सकेगा हमारा,

क्या सारा जीवन तनहा और दुखी कट पायेगा,

शायद हाँ,

या शायद इसी से हो सकता है जीवन से असल परिचय,

क्या ये पूरी जिंदगी झेल सकोगे बस दो पल के सहारे?

क्या इतनी अँधेरा लुप्त कर सकोगे एक दिए के सहारे? ?

आज हो तुम मेरी बाहों में, तो कल का क्या हे फ़िक्र ?

क्या ऐसा प्रेम फिर नसीब होगा जीवन में?

शायद हाँ, शायद नही

या कुछ और प्रेम भी मिल सके,... कुछ शास्वत और चिरंतन,

क्या इसी से होता है ईश्वर प्रेम का आरम्भ?

क्या इसी से खिलती है जीवन के मरुस्थल में प्रेम की कमल की सुगंध ??